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Equity Unplugged
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Equity Unplugged

"Equity Unplugged" was an honest conversation about the shifting U.S. workforce. Hosted by Katie Mehnert of ALLY Energy and Xchelsia Jennings of Baker Hughes, this group of professionals from several Houston organizations is interested in making workplaces truly equitable—not simply ticking boxes but creating real change!

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Scribing for Children’s Rights & Humanitarian Action
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Scribing for Children’s Rights & Humanitarian Action

The visual notes behind that spry guy are for the dedicated, hard-working, caring people at UNICEF. This team of humanitarian action heros gathered in NYC to design their 4-year plan to help children survive and thrive in 187 countries. They pursue their mandate to uphold the rights of all children, focusing on those left behind by social and economic progress.

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Seven Days of Sketchnotes
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Seven Days of Sketchnotes

Since I was a kid, I have constantly augmented my notes with diagrams and googly-eyed characters. 👀 Mostly as a distraction. Today, however, I make visual notes to understand and remember! Fortunately, designer Mike Rohde gave us a good term for it: sketchnotes. Here is a short video showing one week of sketchnotes in my personal notebook.

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The Community Health Worker Ecosystem in Texas
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The Community Health Worker Ecosystem in Texas

UTHealth Houston, one of the most comprehensive academic health science centers in the U.S., conducted a study to understand better the ecosystem of need, support, training, and deployment of Community Health Workers (CHW) in Texas. The research team engaged Alphachimp LLC to help facilitate, document, and visualize the CHW journey.

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Houston Energy & Climate Week
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Houston Energy & Climate Week

The energy transition is a marathon and team sport that needs unified action.  Achieving Energy 2.0+ is a marathon.  However, this race needs an increased pace. We will get there through urgency, teamwork, consistency, continued investment, and collaboration.  We also commit ourselves to assessing our collective advancements and setbacks in achieving these goals.

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Successfully Facilitating Tension and Conflict in Groups
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Successfully Facilitating Tension and Conflict in Groups

Does facilitating a contentious group of workshop participants feel like being a cameraperson running through a dense rainforest during a chimp civil war? No doubt! Facilitating groups that are experiencing tension and conflict can be a challenging task.

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Why In-Person Conversations are So Important in the “Era of AI”</a>
events, science, research, ai, journey maps peterdurand events, science, research, ai, journey maps peterdurand

Why In-Person Conversations are So Important in the “Era of AI”

This article cites some brilliant experts whose research backs this up. They include neuroscientist Barry Scott Kaufman, who emphasizes the role of collaboration in creativity, MIT social researcher Sherry Turkle, who believes that conversation is our most human way of connecting and Nina Schick, one of the earliest GenAI experts.

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